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Who we serve

We provide steadfast support, expertise, and specialized services for some of the most vulnerable members of our communities, including children, teens, and families experiencing emotional and behavioral concerns. Those we serve often are impacted by loss, unexpected challenges, or serious traumas such as abuse, neglect, and addiction.


Group Home Models:

Positive Peer Culture (PPC) is a peer-helping model designed to improve social competence and cultivate strengths in youth. Care and concern for others is the defining element of PPC. Rather than demanding obedience to authority or peers, PPC demands responsibility, empowering youth to discover their greatness. Caring is made fashionable and any hurting behavior totally unacceptable. PPC assumes that as group members learn to trust, respect, and take responsibility for the actions of others, norms can be established. These norms not only extinguish antisocial conduct, but more importantly reinforce prosocial attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Positive values and behavioral change are achieved through the peer-helping process. Helping others increases self-worth. As individuals become more committed to caring for others, they abandon hurtful behaviors.


4 areas:

   -Building group responsibility

      Learn to keep each other out of trouble

  -Group meetings

    Problem solving process, Structured format

  -Service learning

    Engaging in community projects

  -Teamwork Primacy

    Staff facilitate therapeutic interventions


Community Youth Development

âž» Leisure                                                                       

âž» Development of work attitudes

âž» Communications                                                     

âž» Employment activities

âž» Spiritual                                                                     

âž» Volunteerism

âž» Cultural                                                                     

âž» Education & Training activities

âž» Sports                                                                         

âž» Living Skills

âž» Vocational                            

âž» Socialization

âž» Health & Wellness                                                  

âž» Access & utilization of public transport

âž» Orientation, mobility & destination                        

âž» Financial assistance and planning training

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